
Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The Gorgeous Christmassy Giveaway!


I'm beside myself with excitement!! The magic number has been reached, which means the fun can begin ~ my Christmas Giveaway (hurrah!!) to celebrate 300 Followers (thank you very much for everyone who has and does), and because I haven't had one in such a ding dang long time!

OOh, and also, because they're heaps of fun, and I just love doing them :D

Being on the brink of December, I felt it was only right to have a Christmassy themed giveaway, which is why there are two of my brand new A5 Christmas cards for you, which are hand titled and signed by me...

'Father Christmas'

'Santa's Gift'

...aaaaaaaaaaaand...specially hand stamped inside with a festive greeting:

You may also have spotted in the top picture, a little decorative fabric heart ~ this is a little hand crafted creation I have made using a very pretty fabric, and will be sure to brighten up a little corner of your home.  It's finished with a nice vintage button (from my Nan's very own tin that's been handed down the generations) and a nice rustic twine bow and hanging string.

You probably also spotted a little packet of something rather delectable, which to me is one of the tastes of Christmas, and wouldn't be Christmas without them ~ yes!! Lindor truffle balls!!!  I kid you not!

So what do you think?  Would you like to take part?  OOh heck, silly me - almost forgot...there's one more thing...

...I'm going to let you choose a mounted print too!
I've shown a picture of Daffodils and Bunting here, but the winner will be able to choose their favourite from the selection of prints on my website to the value of £14.00.  

Ooooh this is so very exciting!!!  I love the chance to be able to send a little goodness out into the world, big happy smiles all round!

So - lets get down to business!! :D

How do you enter the giveaway?  Just leave me a comment on this post, telling me what makes Christmas special for you.

And that's it - I'm looking forward to your sharings and I will draw the winner one week from today...hmmm, that will make it Wednesday 1st December!! Perfect!!

Anyone is welcome to enter, anywhere in the world - so without further ado, let the fun begin!!!!!

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D

Sending humongous scoops of love out to you today
Julia x x x


  1. Love those prints - they are just lovely and homey and retro. Christmas is a wonderful time of year because things are a bit darker and cozier than during the near-year-round summer we have where I am. Love all the family, food and get-togethers. Love the smell of Christmas!

  2. Oooh, what beautiful and delicious giveaway goodies. Thank you Julia x

    My family makes Christmas special. It is one of the only times in the year where we all gather in one place and get a chance to catch up with each other. What is even more special is how our family is growing over time and each Christmas brings a new combination of loved ones.

    Fingers crossed....... Love and best wishes, Claire x

  3. Wow! Lovely giveaway - and congrats to many followers :))

    Xmas is special for me because my sweet daughter is coming home from boarding school and we will have lots of time to spend together with dear family and friends.

  4. Julia, you very generous lady. What a super giveaway and many congratulations on 300 followers.
    I love Christmas, being together with all the family and laughing so hard that your cheeks hurt.
    Since having children though I also love the build up and the magic that Christmas brings, smoke signals from the chimney as the letters to Fr Christmas are magically sent. Robins in the garden secretly watching out for good boys and girls. Santas naughty helper that arrives to "help" us prepare and the sight of three children spinning with excitement when they see the snowy footprints on the floor on Christmas morning.
    Ooooo, I am getting excited just thinking about it.
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway and good luck to everyone.
    Rachael X

  5. Oh such a lot of lovely goodies there Julia!! Christmas is a cosy family time - a time for simple pleasures, making crafty pressies and cooking Christmas dinner with my daughter in her home!

  6. Oh I would love one of your prints so count me in. What do I love about christmas? All the old films that get repeated on telly. There is nothing better than curling up infront of the fire (gas) with a box of choc (permittable after all its xmas!) and watch an old black and white movie bliss!!

  7. Congratulations on number 300!!!!

    Please enter my name in your giveaway for the lovely goodies you've bundled up for the winner.

    I love Christmas for all of the goodness it represents and the love it generates.

  8. What a great giveaway. What makes christmas so special is the giving. I really enjoy giving gifts to family and friends. It is my favorite holiday of the year. I also like to give surprises. I so enjoy picking out gifts for the kids. Now my kids are 20,19, and 16. They will always be kids to me lol.

  9. Congratulations on reaching 300 followers - yippee!

    Xmas for me:
    Making and scoffing my own weight in mince pies.
    Decorating the tree with my daughter and then ooooooing and ahhhhhhing over it when it's finished.
    Taking my daughter to see Santa - she's only 2 and a half, so she believes in the Big Guy.
    Visiting Chatsworth House in Derbyshire to look at their Xmas decorations - amazing!
    Standing in the freezing cold listening to the Salvation Army playing and singing carols.
    Christmas carol service at York Minster (when I hear the lone choir boy singing the 1st verse of Once in Royal David's City, it brings a tear to my eye every single time).
    Visiting friends.
    And most importantly - waking up Christmas morning with my family.

    Can you tell how much a love this time of year.

  10. oohh what a fab prize, I would love love love to enter. hhmm what makes Christmas Special to me, I think watching my kiddies faces looking at twinkly lights, they just look amazed by them.

    By the way having another giveaway at mine so pop over. xxx

  11. ooh congrats on the big 300! what a gorgeous giveaway. for me the big thing about Christmas has to be the smells, - fir trees and cinnamon, and mince pies and mulled wine - yummy xxx

  12. Julia - what a gorgeous giveaway!
    I love Christmas because it's the one time of year that my family are all together - no matter what!

  13. Hello my lovely!

    Firstly, congratulations for reaching the magic number! Hooray!!!!
    Secondly, what a fabaroony giveaway! Gosh, I have no doubt you will be inundated with comments!

    What do I love about Christmas? Satsumas. I know these days you can get them all year round, but, eating satsumas, by a fire with lots of people whilst there are cosy lit candles and the smell of christmas all around you, it is heaven indeed.

    Letting the bears decorate the tree, then re-decorating it when they have gone to bed, and in the morning, them telling me how great it looks and what a wonderful job they did! he he

    Also, being at my in-laws with all hubby's brothers, sisters and their partners and children. It is one BIG, FULL house, but we are all the same and the giggles start the moment the house fills up and it is truly fab!

    Thanks for letting us share our best christmas memories with you!

    Much love

    Vanessa xxx

  14. Family makes Christmas - love it when we are all together
    What an amazing giveaway, thank you
    Chris x

  15. Congratulations on your 300th follower!

    Christmas, well, can I cop out and just say I like it all otherwise I'll be here all night! Love the atmosphere and the smells and good intentions. I hate being assaulted by Christmas musak in the shops though, just as well I don't go to the shops very often then!

  16. Thank you so much for this giveaway...for me, Christmas is special because it is a holy season made with love ...It is a special occasion to sit all together and forget all the sad moments of the passed year...drink some wine and spend a good time with family:)

  17. Great giveaway!
    Family is what makes Christmas special, without them I would be very Scrooge-like indeed!

  18. Christmas is a time when my husband is actually home for at least a whole week (possibly 2 weeks this year - fingers crossed) and the Blackberry stays switched off - that makes it very, very special.

  19. Hulloo. Please pop me into the hat. Can I put a link on my blog?? I know how to do it now! Ax

    Oh, nearly forgot to tell you what I love about Christmas. The anticipation. And the smell. And eating whatever you like whenever you like. And presents, giving more than receiving now. And my tree. Actually, I love all of it. Very Much.

  20. Oooooo, congratulations! I would love to enter your giveaway. You are right, Lindor truffle balls are Christmassy!
    But Christmas is also: family, fairy lights, peace and quiet, snow, love, friends, candles, food. What would make it extra special this year, is if my cousin from South Africa decides to visit us while she is in Europe. So fingers crossed!

  21. Christmas is special when my family and I can be together, and making all our own homemade sweet treats. Its going to be especially good this year as my son is approaching 2 seeing him and my niece open their presents will be the best thing. We usually open presents first thing, go on a festive walk around the village to collect foliage and berries for the table centre piece and work up a good appetite for lunch and spend the rest of the day playing games around the christmas tree stuffing ourselves with homemade mince pies and marzipan fruits. Pure bliss. I absolutely love Christmas its my favourite time of the year.

  22. Goodness what an extremely generous giveaway Julia!!
    What will make Christmas special for me is having my children here together in the house at the one time, they lead such busy lives now that this doesn't happen that often!
    Vivienne x

  23. What a fab give away! Someone is going to eb very lucky. Christmas will be very special this year- the magic of small people really believing in the down the chimney visitor is hard to beat and the looks on their faces through all the lovely surprises and their favourite people, all the family all together!

  24. Such as Jolly Santa card! Christmas - snow, excited kids, baking, carols, wrapping presents, Santa's visit, the list is endless!

  25. What a wonderful giveaway! Christmas means family, friends and lots of laughter! Can't forget the food and the cookies.

  26. Midnight mass and a glass of sherry when I get home. I love the tradition and romance of it all.

    Louise x

  27. Hi there,
    I think the best thing about Christmas this year for me will be my baby sister coming home from Oz - she's been gone 15months and I just can't wait to see her!

  28. Congratulations on the 300 mark! I'm sure it'll double in no time, though, as it's really wonderful, so once the word gets around...!!!

    I love Christmas because it's Jesus' birthday - and I love birthdays! I love the special time with the family, I love the special food, the presents... the lot!

  29. I like Xmass because after that day, the days become longer again !
    ( and every reason to party is a good reason of course ;) )

  30. Love the look of all the goodies there, that in itself is special!!

    Christmas is special to me because I am making memories for my children to keep with them in their hearts. From now until Christmas we will be sticking and making and creating new love and memories, along with a few decorations. Christmas is special because I have my health, my family and am surrounded by love.

  31. Whatr a lovely pile of goodies:) Thank you Julia!

    What makes christmas for me is that taking you back to your childhood feeling when you put the decorations on the christmas tree, a log fire crackling away, a good christmas film on the tv, the must have tin of roses or quality street before only the toffees are left:), crisps or peanuts to munch on while watching said film, while I try and get my christmas knitting finished. So pretty much all of december like this please;))))) Oh, and the smell of cinnamon and clove christmas candles burning in the background!

  32. Oooohhhh how gorgeous Julia you are so kind! Please count me in your giveaway, I will post a link to you on my sidebar.
    What makes Christmas special for me is church, time of work and time to remember the real meaning of Christmas JESUS!
    Heather x

  33. Oooh such a fabulous giveaway, what lovely things you are including in your prize!

    I love everything about Christmas, especially decorating the tree with many baubles and tinsel, late night shopping in the dark with all the twinkly Christmas lights, seeing all my family, (some of whom I literally only see at this time of year), snuggling up cosy under a blanket watching 'The Snowman' for the hundredth time, opening my stocking on xmas morning(yes i do still get one at 26, haha), and so many more things... i really could go on all evening!

    Fingers crossed I will be lucky, and merry christmas to you and your family! xx

  34. Yay, a giveaway!
    Such lovely things and a button from your nan's tin...*sigh*.
    What makes Christmas special is that warm fuzzy feeling I get in my tummy just thinking about it. Thinking of all the family being together, Christmas morn when my Bisuits are beyond excited by the magic of Santa leaving gifts and, for me, Christmas specials on the telly, the list could go on, I loves it.

  35. well done on getting 300 followers, that is some achievement. What a generous giverway too, how very kind in sharing the love.
    The best bit about christmas for me is making santa's boots footsteps from the fire over to the tree with a pair of wellies and flour and seeing the kid's faces in the morning usually around 4am, checking out the "snow" from the north pole to see if it's real, one year because they were starting to doubt it, I crushed ice cubes up and sprinkled them on the flour before they went in the room.

  36. What a fantastic give away.

    What makes Christmas special for me? My Children, even though they have reached that lovely teenager bit, sharing a special day with them, and the giving of handmade Chirstmas presents.


  37. I love a good old fashioned,family fun Christmas,home made silly hats,charades,Queens Speach,eating too much,laughing till your cheeks hurt,New Pj's snuggly CHRISTMAS!
    Love your follower's giveaway and love being a long term follower!
    Enjoy the rest of your week,Julie.x

  38. Hi julia. What special gifts you have to give away. You're so generous. What's special for me at Christmas?....I just love having all my family around me. I'm a very proud mum :-)
    A x

  39. Oh how exciting, what a lovely giveaway. congratulations on reaching such a big number x

    I think christmas is all about the children. The magic of watching the wonder and excitment in their faces xx

  40. Well done for reaching 300 followers - I'm not surprised - it's a lovely blog! I love the smell of Christmas cooking - spices and wine, vinegar and pickles. Then the sharing with family and friends!
    Thank you for your generous give-away opportunity and Happy Christmas!

  41. Oooohhhheeeeee Great giveaway! Ho hum. There are so many things that make Christmas special but I love going to a candlelit Carol service and finding a little bit of peace in all the mad Christmas rush. Then coming home to a little hamper I have carefully been making the few weeks before with special things inside. I could add the lindors lol Yummmmmm. xx

  42. Hi Julia,

    What a wonderful give away!!
    It's all so lovely, good luck to everyone taking part.
    Well I just love Christmas, all of it.
    Decorating (first cleaning) the house, sorting out what to eat, the cooking.
    And of course loads of cards and candles.
    But the spirit of it all to me is this.
    In the darkest days of the year we can look back on the year 2010 and be grateful for all the things it brought us, and celebrate.
    (And I do mean all things we had one family member and two others die this year.)
    Then we can welcome a new year full of new beginnings.
    I just love this time of year!!!!

    Best Wishes to all of you!!!


  43. Wow 300 - congratulations!

    I love many things about Christmas, the anticipation, wrapping the presents, making decorations, the smells and the best bit is a whole two days to just play, giggle, eat too much and just enjoy the wonderful family we have.

    I can hardly wait! x

  44. Love all your beautiful prints. I'd love the opportunity to win one, how generous!
    Family is what makes Christmas special. Having my daughter home from school visiting is special. Nothing better than looking in her room and seeing her asleep in her bed all cozy!

  45. Ooooh Julia , your giveaway is fantastic :0)
    The school play and carol service makes Christmas special for me .
    I absolutely love the sound of all those young voices singing together...brings a tear to my eye.
    Love Jacquie x

  46. An abundance of family and friends....good food and great wine, is what makes Christmas special for me. And, too, the mad, albeit stressful, planning rush that goes with it. Your Santa cards are absolutely gorgeous. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  47. Well your give away looks so great what lovely things you have chosen!
    Well what makes Christmas special for me - well its not all the presents, or the tinsel town part of christmas - it is being together with my boys and my family, home cooked food, visit to my local church for carol service, decorating the house with my old favorite things as well as new ones I have made, candles, smells and the open fire sorry now I have started I can't stop, but this is what makes Christmas special for me, and listening to the Carols from Cambridge on Radio 4 Christmas Eve while doing last minute preparations, I hope I have summed up my Christmas Julia and perhaps I might have a little chance of winning one of your gorgeous prints!!

  48. Hoorah!Hoorah! A chance to win one of your luvery, luverly, soooper-doooooper pictures! I'm sooo excited it's silly.
    The thing I love best about Christmas is Christmas Eve when all the shops are closed and all my loved ones are safely at home, all cosied up in front of the fire. Everything is twinkling and glowing and the kitchen smells of mince pies. Bliss!
    love fi x

  49. Congratulations on the followers, please add me in to your gorgeous giveaway!
    My favourite thing about Christmas is Christmas Eve, getting the kids all excited and washed and in new PJ's ready for Santa, it's always a really late night waiting till they are aspleep, but it never feels that way I get so excited for them!
    Kandi x

  50. Congratulations!
    I love Christmas for the Holy Mass at midnight, where I play flute and organ to accompany the choir in the church. While the darkness is around, the brightly joyfull choirmusic and the Holy Words bring me every year in such a special feeling I can't describe, but it gives me a warm, pretty feeling.

  51. Congrats on soooo many followers. I too follow you now for a while.
    Love your site and this giveaway.
    Christmas brings people together and there is more love in the air.

  52. Julia,

    A very well deserved 'hooray' for all your followers.

    I just love it when everything is DONE. The children's delight in showing us what Santa brought, the house being an absolute colourful tip, taking time to dress up and go visiting and picking through a full fridge!

    Thank you so much for my gorgeous set of cards, I'm thrilled to bits with them. When things calm down a little, I shall be blogging about what I've done with them! x


  53. Hi Julia
    Yes that was really spooky!!

  54. Hello Julia! When I signed follower, after that I read for my suprise that you expected to have full 300 (I'm 301)! Your very generous giveaway is wonderful suprise and I'm so happy to take a part! Most beautiful cards and sweet heart and especially because they are made by you!
    Christmas has been always 'magical time' to me, but this year it's Unique because first time I share it with my new dear blog friends!
    xxx Teje

  55. wow great giveaway! please count me in . Decorating the christmas tree is special to me and having the family altogether!!!! Love it all x x x x

  56. awesome giveaway!
    and congrats on 300 followers...although now I see it's 301!
    this Christmas is going to be extra special because it's our baby's first one and we have family travelling half way across the world to spend it with us. I can't wait.
    usually it's having some time off work to chill out and relax that makes it special but this year it's going to be completely different and even more special :-)

  57. My favourite bit about Christmas is those seconds (sometimes minutes!) it takes for my children to realise it's ACTUALLY Christmas day when they wake up. To see the joy sweep across their still-sleepy faces - magical!

  58. Wow! How exciting to reach the number of 300 followers! Well, your blog is full of energy so you deserve it girl!

    Christmas is that time of the year that brings together the family. To share all their stories and enjoy each others company. Right now I am not sure if my kids, husband, dogs and me can be together by then. We all live in a different country at the moment due to work and study. But I am hopeful all will work out and we can find a house just in time. Maybe we have not unpacked our moving boxes by then, but that will make it only very special.

    Hope all of you will have a wonderful Christmas!

  59. Of course I would love my name in that hat!!! AND I have enventually posted you my order! Christmas is special for me as the children who are now in their late teens insist on the same traditions that we have had since they were tiny - which I Love. We go to the christingle service in church on Christmas eve, then go to see the rotary club santa who tours our village, then read "Twas the night before Christmas". Santa is still delivering their presents (if they have been good) too. xxxx

  60. Congratulations!
    You've made wonderful give away goodies! Dutch we say:
    "gezellig", not easy translatable in English (or any other language) in one word. The google translator says:

    1. cozy
    2. sociable
    3. convivial
    4. social
    5. intimate
    6. snug
    7. companionable
    8. homey
    9. gregarious
    10. chummy
    11. homy
    12. neighborly
    13. clubbable
    14. maty
    15. livable
    16. liveable

    And always hoping for a WHITE Christmas.....which sadly enough rarely happens

  61. I love the tranquility that comes to us at Christmas. After all the hustle in preparations, the day of Christmas is spent at home. A crackling fire, the tree with all it's trimmings on it and under it yet there is nothing left to do other than enjoy it, what peace and tranquility comes to us that we are very thankful for all of our blessings.
    Love the saturation of color in your art and your style is unique. Jane

  62. Putting on new Pj's on Christmas eve, ready for Christmas Day. Anticipating the delight when presents are unwrapped, and this year, being back in the UK with much loved friends and family. Three things that make Christmas special for me...

    (and well done for reaching 300. 300!!!)


  63. What a great give away. Count me in! Christmas is for me the nicest time of the year. To be with family around the christmas tree.

  64. What makes Christmas special to me.... simply the bringing together of family and friends. I love to be surrounded by my loved ones and to spoil them rotten!

    tinkle, tinkle from

    Jacky xox

  65. What lovely goodies you've got there. Congrats to reaching the magic 300!!! Well, for me it is the build up with Christmas. Starting 1st of advent. It is the baking, the making, the candles and the smells, the songs, the food and the candles. The ornaments the anticipation, the warmth and being together. Treating ourselves. Eating. Lots. As I live abroad I rarely spend Christmas with my whole family but this year my brother with family comes to visit. It is going to be a very special Christmas this year. And when it is over (26th kinda) I want to Christmas detox the whole house and start a new year with new adventures.

  66. Hello Julia. I'll enter yours if you'll enter mine! I do love these giveaways. Family, food, roaring fires, games, walks and laughter make Christmas very special for me x

  67. What a lovely and generous giveaway!

    Christmas has always been special to me. I just love everthing about it. To the trees and lights that brighten dark night and sometimes days. (I think they should be left until at least the end of January) The food, presents but most of all the people. Spending time with those whom you love the most in the whole wide world. There should be more of that christmas feeling all year round I reckon!

    A lovely giveaway and I have finally made to comment on your blog too! I know just how beautiful your prints are as I have one for my little girl for christmas. So whoever wins will be a very lucky peep.

    MBB x

  68. What a lovely giveaway-please count me in!

    I just love everything about Christmas-the build up,the shopping, the family all together and even the last minute panic when the shops have finally shut and you realise you have forgotten to buy something!
    Lots of love

  69. What a wonderful and generous giveaway!
    I love the smell once the tree has been put up, it stands there twinkling and scenting the room - perfectly Christmassy!

  70. Christmas.... what a wonderful time of the year... I love all about: the warmth, smells, music, jolly atmosphere....but above all, the best thing about it is being with my family and friends and share laughter and love. It's a good time to reflect on the year and dream of the next year ahead. It's a good time to forgive and forget, to enjoy the simple but best things in life. This Christmas will be trully especial as we are waiting for the third baby in the family..mmm...
    Thanks for your wonderful giveaway! It's very generous of you and beautiful! Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, x Pati

  71. Congratulations on your 300 followers (I've got 2 so not long til I catch up... lol!)
    Please count me in for your generous giveaway! Thanks!
    I love getting all the family together and doing all the festive things on the run up to the big day. Having young children definitely makes it all the more special! We also have Boxing day & New Year's day parties to go to (any excuse to prolong the celebrations!)
    Thanks again, love, Roslyn x

  72. You are indeed a very generous woman, Julia. The giveaway is truly something to covet. What makes my Christmas special is family and friends sat around the table, all warm and cosy and the opportunity to dress the house 'over the top' with decorations, many home made, and the rituals that Christmas brings every year.

  73. Oh, this is the giveaway I really really want to win...It's the first christmas for my new granddaughter..she was born in June and is called Lirys! My Christmas is going to be wonderful this year because I'm going to spend it with her in the UK!!!
    Please make it even more wonderful!!!
    Take care

  74. What a fabulous giveaway ! My best bit of Christmas is the simplest: being with my family and eating chocolate without any guilt! Penny L xx

  75. Hello!
    Of course my family makes Christmas special. But I really honestly adore warm, cozy lights. No matter what kind of light it is, it just has to be warm (no halogen or yucky white light). They bring me through those dark days without getting depressed!
    I've got candles everywhere and little lamps with beautiful lampshades and i LOVE them! Can't wait for it to get dark in the afternoon, just to switch them on...
    Love from Germany,

  76. Hi Julia, this is a fab giveaway yes please I would love to enter! I feel that the things that make Christmas special are family, friends, cosy evenings, decorating the tree, giving pressies and eating lots of chocolate! :) Sarah

  77. Congrats on 300 followers! What a lovely giveaway!Please count me in and add my name.
    I just love everything about Christmas, the decorations,songs,food, gathering with friends, visiting with family and especially the homemade smell!
    Merry Christmas!Feliz Navidad!
    Gloria x

  78. I love Christmas for so many reasons...but my favourite thing is waking up early on Christmas morning and gathering around the tree with my family to share the gifts. I still feel just as excited as I did when I was a little girl! That delicious sense of breathless anticipation and excitement is hard to beat :)
    I always want to give my presents away first of all, because I look forward to the reactions of those I love to their gifts...getting it just right makes Christmas a precious time

  79. Is it the cynic in me, or are there more people interested in commenting with the offer of a giveaway?
    I haven't time to read what everyone has said, and prefer not to anyway otherwise I might think of something else to say about Christmas.
    What makes Christmas special for me? Being here to celebrate it.

  80. Hi Love your blog, what a fab giveaway!! I love christmas, getting special presents for my loved ones, listening to "Last Christmas", baking, cinnamon and spices, mistletoe and Ginger wine!

  81. Those prints are fabulous :)

    I love the Christmas season, doing lots of special family things with the kids as they count down to Christmas day - nothing better than the wonder in their eyes on Christmas morning once Santa has been :) Lorna x

  82. Hi Julia
    Thank you for visiting and your lovely comment about our anniversary :-)
    Wow, this is a great giveaway and so generous of you !
    Christmas is special for me for these reasons: I still have a sense of magic when I see the sunshine on Christmas morning and the world has a special glow. I love Christmas lunch with my family, all 16 of us squashed into my parents' kitchen! I love Christmas trees, lights, decorations and the tradition I have of making a Veggie nut roast with my niece (only other veggie in the family) on Christmas Eve - we have such a lot of fun making it.
    I'll stop there, as this is getting to be a long comment!
    Happy weekend,
    Denise x

  83. A special christmas to me is spending the day with my daughter and family and 2 dogs.
    I love your prints, the little Robin is so cute.

  84. I still believe in the magic of Christmas. Good will and all that.
    I love the special family time...and the preparations. I make my own ornaments, and some of the presents.
    And even though the kids are grown, it's still special.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  85. Hi, Just popped in to take a look at your blog. Don't know exactly how I got here, you know how it is, you go from one link to the other. I would love to be entered into your giveaway. To me Christmas is for gathering together with your family and friends. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Judith.

  86. Hi Julia, ooooo count me in you know I love your work. Have a great weekend x

  87. Beautiful prints!

    Family and friends are what make Christmas special for me....and snuggling up together in front of an open fire after a walk along a windswept beach.......
    Merry Christmas. x

  88. Love the Santa card so much!
    I love the Christmas preparations including aromatic baking with my children, then lounging around with my family close by and no other demands!

  89. Hello Julia,

    What a lovely and generous giveaway. Congrats on reaching 300 followers ~ well deserved I'd say!

    Christmas traditions old and new is something I look forward to each year. New 'Christmas' pajamas and a book on Christmas Eve for the twins is a favourite of theirs and I enjoy sneaking into their rooms while they're busy waiting for Santa to lay them out on their beds. Such fun!

    I do hope you enjoy some new and old traditions with your little one this year!

    Be well ~Andrea~

  90. What lovely prizes, thank you!

    300 followers, oh my. We have a while to go before we make that number ;)

    My little boys make Christmas special. My littlest is having his first Christmas this year, we are all so excited! Lots of Christmassy crafts going on in our house too- tomorrow it's tree decoration biscuits and potato print cards. Hooray!


  91. Found your blog for the first time: oh, it's lovely. I adore the little X-mas tree!

  92. I just love it because it is an excuse to have lots of glitter and tinsel and all things tacky!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  93. Thanks so much for the chance to enter your giveaway.

    What makes Christmas special? Family, traditions, memories of Christmases past with people who sadly are no longer with us , special food, music, smells, lights, sparkle. And not forgetting Terry's chocolate oranges!

  94. Very rarely do I comment on blogs but as a big fan of illustration (partic childrens)I thought this was a great chance to say Hey, I love your work it always makes me smile; and enter the giveaway at the same time. Ooooh that sounds smarmy.... probably why I don't comment often, hate to be considered a creep! :) So what makes Christmas special for me? Having grown up in a very busy Derbyshire pub Christmas was a stressful time but unlike all the other holidays throughout the year, Christmas was the one day I had my Mum all to myself. My Grandma visited too so my abiding memories of Christmas are sitting in the kitchen putting crosses in the sprouts whilst listening to Mum and Grandma chat. When all the prep was done, we'd sit and play the games Santa had brought me. Such a precious time of chatting and laughing, cuddling and smiling, safe, warm, happy. To this day that's what makes Christmas special for me; in these busy times the chance to pause, listen, play and laugh with the people who matter most to me, something indeed to celebrate! :)

  95. What a lovely giveaway Julia, thank you for being so generous.

    I love doing all the traditional things that my Mum taught me to do, mincemeat, turkey, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, stollen, mince pies and a very tipsy trifle especially for my Dad. I wouldn't do Christmas any other way, it's a magical time to share with family. This year is even better as I've discovered Blogger and I'm inspired to do so much more.

  96. Christmas means getting together with family, a bit of christmas crafting, tucking into homemade christmas pudding and chutney (not together!), roasting chestnuts on the fire......rolling eyes at the new game my Mum has bought for us all to play.

    Thanks for such a generous giveaway I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  97. Christmas has arrived early here in NE Scotland in the form of 16imches of snow! It's cosy inside by the fire though, and you can't beat a bit of cosy at Christmas time!

  98. Christmas - the decorations and the smell (pine, cinnamon and oranges especially!)- a new jigsaw, a house full of people and the chance to actually sit down and play a board game with the children. I'd say I can't wait, but I also love the build up - making the cake, the pudding and the pies, wrapping presents, planning and socialising!

    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. ( I'm a lurker I'm afraid and not much of a commenter)

  99. Midnight mass, christmas lights and everyone getting together. Getting a christmas card from friends and family that you dont see very often. What a lovely give away

  100. christmas is special because you all get to snuggle down in front of the fire having time to relax and play with the people you love also this year will be extra special as my twins were prem and not expected to survive but to everyones surprise they did and this will be our first christmas as a family of seven i cant wait

  101. What Christmas means to me...mince pies, frost, log fires, baileys and ice, presents, shutting out the world, holly wreaths, Santa Claus, excitement, jingle bells, children's laughter, chocolate, fairy lights, lazy days, smiles and happiness. I can't wait :)

    Love your blog (this is my first comment though, good timing!) and what a lovely giveaway x

  102. Love blog and giveaway too, thank you so much. I love christmas at home with family, warm and cosy, just spending the day together. x

  103. Please enter me into your competition.

    I came across your website from a link at attic24 and I'm really happy I did, your designs are stunning!

    Christmas is a wonderful time of the year because it brings families together, even though I live thousands of kilometres away fro my family I feel closer to them on special days like Christmas. Its a day to relax and catch up with friends and family, make wishes and predications for the new year. It is going to be a hard day because it'll also be one reflecting on the people we've lost along the way, the people we'd love to have one last Christmas with.

  104. Relaxing time with my family makes the Christmas special.

  105. Hello Julia This is such a fabulous, generous giveaway!! Such treats and goodies. I love everything about Christmas - the gifts, the family times, the food, the cosiness, the scents of cinnamon, cloves, satsumas, mulled wine... but if I have to choose one Christmassy thing (apart from family!) I love the lights- the little lights shining through the winter darkness in different homes really make me feel heart-warmed. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway idea. (I nearly missed it as I've been away but then realised it had another day to run!!) Helen xxx

  106. Oh my gosh Julia! I would so love to win some of your gorgeous creations!!!!!
    I have popped in on weds the 1st december, but as we are ahead of you in time I think I'm still in with a chance!!! As long as you don't mind that I live all the way in NZ!
    What makes christmas special for me is sunshine, jandals, and big family BBQ's, cross your fingers for us that we get some sun this year!



Thank you for coming by my blog today, I hope you have enjoyed your visit. If you would like to leave me a comment then I would be delighted to hear from you (but quietly reading and leaving is just fine too).

Julia xxx