
Wednesday, 1 December 2010

The Winner Is...

Hello Everyone!

My goodness - Before I announce the winner of my Gorgeous Christmassy Giveaway, I just want to say how wonderful all of your responses were - I was blown away by how many of you shared your Christmas moments here, and I enjoyed reading each and every one of them.

I noticed that the majority of us love lots of similar things about this time of year ~ twinkling tree lights, gathering with family and friends, remembering those no longer with us, carols and church services, and one that touched me especially was the comment from Nicole who had premature twins that were not expected to survive...they will be having their very first Christmas this year!  Stories like that bring home what it's all about, so thank you to each and every one of you for making this giveaway so very special.

Anyway...without any further rambling ~ I've just had a little visit to the Random Number Generator and typed in 106 - yes, 106 of you dropped in to take part - pressed the button...and the number that popped out was...

Number 4

Rachael, from Made With Love, you are my winner (big happy smiles!)
Will you drop me a line to tell me which print you would like ~ remember, you can choose from any of the ones on my Fine Art Prints page up to the value of £14.00.  I do hope you see something that you like!

For the rest of you who entered, thank you so much!

This week has seen the arrival of heaps of snow, the heaviest of which fell last night.  I reckon we have about 30cm or so, not to mention the knee high drifts!!  Needless to say, the Small One hasn't been to her school up the village - two reasons:  we couldn't make it, and she has a nasty chest infection complete with barking cough.  To keep her busy, we got to work doing Important Letter Writing...

We're working on the Good Girl part, as apparently nasty coughs create a new level of crabbiness not encountered before!!  

For some reason (it's probably to do with the snow and all your seasonal comments), Christmas spirit is creeping in quicker than usual.  At the weekend, we drove out to Castleton to show the Little One the Christmas trees.  It was bitterly cold, but you couldn't help be inspired by the beauty of Mam Tor covered with a gauze of fine snow, and the bright cheery lights of the trees.  We have visited this village since we were children, and it's a lovely thing to be able to share it with my own wee one...

...just starting to turn on the lights...

...the Three Roofs cafe, and Peveril Castle up on the hill...I love the silhouettes of those skeletal trees against the white sky, and the welcome twinkle of the warm white lights.

Just before I go, I want to tell you about a little offer I have especially for my Facebook Likers and my Blog Followers/ can choose a personalised, hand stamped message for free, when you purchase one of my A5 individual, signed Christmas cards.  Up to 30 letters, any wording you like!!  The stamp is a vintage typewriter style which I think looks lovely - I hope you agree!
You can click here to find out more.

I'm currently busy putting packs of cards together to mail out, so not much time to paint right now. However, I'm delighted at the responses I've had to them - these will continue to be available to order until the 15th December (for UK customers) and for overseas, today is the last date for orders (so I can meet my international post date of the 6th which should get them to you in plenty of time).

Well - if you're still reading, thank you!  Thank you also for stopping by, your visit here is very much appreciated.  I do hope you will drop by and say 'Hello' again soon, it's always a pleasure to see you here!

Sending huge scoops of love your way,
Keep warm

Julia x x x


  1. Golly. Thanks soooo much for posting those photos of Castleton. One of my all time favourite places.
    I lived for several years over the hill in Edale. Upper Booth then Lea House, next to the pub.
    A walk over the tops to Castleton was a Sunday treat, come rain or snow.

  2. I love Castleton too - we used to go over there for days out when I was in Sheffield - many years ago and also in the late 90s when daughter M was at uni in Sheffield. Hope your cards are selling well - mine will be all ready to post soon - they look lovely. Jo

  3. Those photographs of the village with its Christmas lights brought their magic to this city dweller.

    What a marvelous sight to show your child. (Hoping that she'll be over that cough soon, and will get back to being a very good girl in time for Santa's visit.)


  4. Hi Julia ,I just found your wonderful blog via Helen Phillips. I shall have a good read, it looks beautiful. Your daughter's list to Santa made me smile as I wrote one on my blog for fun yesterday. I hope she gets all her wishes!
    Kind regards from Jane x

  5. Oh Julia, you have really made my day, thankyou so very much.
    Loving the pictures too. I am off to have a look at your prints, I shall be some time........drooling.
    Much love, stay warm
    Rachael X

  6. Oh I hope the little one is feeling better Julia. Know what you mean about the crabiness. Isablla is NOT the best of patients!! Take care lovely x

  7. I like the letter to Santa. I need to write my one too!!! I wish we had snow but we've hardly had any down here. I will gladly take some off of you! x

  8. I love letters to Santa, Alice who is 10 now just gives us a list! I have however kept all her previous little girl letters. Hope thenasty bugs leave soon, keep cosy and warm xox

  9. Congrats to Rachael! I love your daughter's list but please tell me what moon dough is?

  10. Hi Julia, Got your email - thanks. Dont go traipsing out until the snow clears. Ahhh Castleton - always so gorgeous at this time of year. If the snow clearws, i'll try and get a trip in. xxxxx

  11. Dear Julia, thank you for a lovely post! Photos from the village looks so beautiful - like from a children story! Dream houses with Christmas atmosphere!
    I hope your daughter gets well soon!
    Thank you for your visit and lovely comment!
    xxx Teje

  12. Congrats to the winner. I love Castleton. Maybe we should meet there in the spring . It's not too far from me. xx

  13. Beautiful photos Julia, the tree silhouettes are stunning at this time of year especially with the snow. Just love the name (Three Roofs) of that little cafe!
    I think by the look of that Santa letter you're going to have a one-man-band on your hands come Christmas morning! :)
    Vivienne x

  14. The village looks so pretty... there is something special about a village surrounded by hills. Somehow the houses look cosier... maybe I appreciate the hills more because I live in a predominantly flat landscape.

  15. pati from London2 December 2010 at 15:03

    congratulations to the winner and thanks again for your generosity! The town of Castleton looks quintessentially English, gorgeous! I've never been there but will keep it in mind for the future. Pati x

  16. Congratulations to the winner...boooo!
    Love the scenes...
    Love the list!!
    hmm, yes, what is moon dough?
    Take care

  17. Beautiful Post Julia!

    Well done Rachael, you lucky lucky lady!

    The snow has finally hit us down here and so closed schools and sledging! So much fun for the little ones, not so much fun for the adults though!!!!! Lovely to look at though from a window! he he!

    I loved the Christmas list! awwwwww

    Baby bears' Christmas list is getting longer by the day, oh to be a child again!

    I hope that you get to have a lovely warm and cosy weekend and that little ones cough gets better.

    Much love

    Vanessa xxxxxxxxxxxx

  18. Dear Julia, I came to see again your beautiful photos and I just love that '3 roof house'!
    But the most exiting...I found 'Nero' on your blog list! Thank you so so much - I do appreciate!
    xxx Teje

  19. ou, like ur blog ! :D
    is very very very cute !
    notes are very interesting ;**

    if you want follow me and write comment ;*

  20. Oh many many congratulations Rachael - I missed the giveaway.Gah! We had a grim old virus here.

    Oh,the letters to F.C. They rather heart-melty aren't they? My eldest (just 5) wrote hers this evening. She wants a reindeer that, ahem, produces chocolate jelly beans. Each to their own!

  21. Thankyou Julia,

    Hope you are keeping warm and safe & that your little one has enjoyed the snow.

    Hope her nasty cough has gone, what a good christmas list she has made.


  22. Well done Rachael. I'm very jealous, lol.

    Lovely little town, the 3 roofs cafe looks very promising. I'm not so sure about the bare trees though, they just make me shiver!



Thank you for coming by my blog today, I hope you have enjoyed your visit. If you would like to leave me a comment then I would be delighted to hear from you (but quietly reading and leaving is just fine too).

Julia xxx