
Wednesday, 17 November 2010

'Thank You' and a Giveaway Announcement


I'm hurrying in to write this post, and I'm afraid it is a rather short, but hopefully sweet one.
First of all, huge thank you's to everyone who has bobbed by to see our little felty Christmas tree decoration, your comments have really made me smile, and have meant such alot to me this week.

Ah yes...this last week has been a rather tiring one.  The Little Egg's cold got worse and she stayed home from her nursery sessions all week.  This meant I didn't get out much and didn't get much done...and by the weekend I was also feeling a bit out of sorts, but banished any nasty cold virus away with lots of steaming hot ginger tea (she says, crossing her fingers!).'s not left much time for blog posting, or creating. 
 Aside from a juicy box of stock that I am filling and sending to a lovely shop 
called Abercorn & Co.  Do check out their website, it is chock full of the most gorgeous things!!  The box above is a picture of some of the stuff I'm sending out to them, and I'm over the moon that they asked me!  I'm hoping to have it all wrapped up and ready to go by Friday as I've been plagued by late stock deliveries and things like that, little hold ups that we just have to grin and bear!  Apologies for the terrible photo, the light here is dreadful at the moment, mostly because our weather is looking like this:

The trees are wearing their winter outfits already and make for skeletal silhouettes against dreary, grey washed out skies.  It's also terribly cold.  Which brings me to something cheery and nice to share.

I'm going to host a Christmas Giveaway!


(and its just a little but)

I am going to be bold and ask if we can reach 300 Followers first, and when that magic number appears, that's when I will announce it!  I can promise you a Giveaway of lovely Christmassy goodness, a special little something, my way of saying 'Thank You' for visiting, following, reading and commenting - as it means alot, it really does.
Becoming a Follower also gives me the excuse to visit you and your blog - I very often randomly dip into my Followers list and end up somewhere completely new and very lovely, so please feel very welcome to add your name to the heap!

Righty-ho!! It's Little Egg's bathtime so I'm off!!
Have a lovely evening, all being well I'll be posting again soon with cheery Giveaway news!!!

Much love
Julia x x x


  1. Eeek this is me right now. DS off from nursery means no me time. Very selfish I know but my stress levels are doing their worst on my stomach and giving me stress cramps. Take a deep breath! Your giveaway looks fun. I shall be looking out for that and I will mention it on my blog next time I write a post - if I don't then pls remind me lol - just means I forgot ;-) xx

  2. I do hope all those nasty lurgies have been well and truly banished - it's no fun for anyone all round especially at this time of the year when getting out is even more of a challange.

    Good luck with the magic number - 300.

    Nina xxx

  3. Congrats on the Abercorn link - some lovely things for sale over there.

  4. Hope the little one is all better now and that you manage to steer clear of the bugs!!
    I'm sure you'll be at 300 in no time at all!!
    Vivienne x

  5. Thought I already was a follower!!
    I am now!!

  6. Mmm. Very tricky to be stuck at home with coughs and sneezes. I get cabin fever after about 3 1/2 hours...

    I'm sure you'll get to three zero zero very very soon. Back soon, Ax

  7. Hi Julia, the Christmas Gift tags are lovely, congrats! Abercorn & co have some lovely things too, thanks for sharing. Hope Little Egg gets better soon :) Sarah

  8. Delighted to become a 'follower' of your lovely blog - I have often lurked and love what you do. Hope you get the magic 300 very soon!

  9. I have recetnly found your wonderful blog and simply love your crafts!@@ Cannot wait for the giveaway announcement!!! Take care, Faye

  10. Thanks for the chance to win. I would like to put my name in the hat too. I've been a follower for a while already, so can't do anything to reach that number 300 faster. Best wishes.

  11. Hope the little one gets well soon and things get back on track. If I could follow twice I'd do it, but I'm sure this post of yours will do the trick. We'd all like to get in on your givewaway!

  12. I love the Abercorn shop, thanks for the link! And your cards are sooo pretty!!!

  13. Hey Julia, fantastic news about a giveaway...after [just about] getting over a horrid three week cold myself, my biscuits have had turns being off school, eldest is on the couch as I write. It's funny how it mucks up your routine so much and suddenly I am trying to organize sitters so I can pop to the bank. You get some of your freedom when they start going to nursery/school but it can get snatched right back again so easily.
    Hope your wee one is truly on the mend and you manage to keep those germs at bay.

  14. Hi Julia,
    Just to say I saw the crocheted loveliness on the C4 site... so colourful and gorgeous.

  15. I am totally confused, I was following your blog because it comes up in my list and then I had to click follow again? Oh I don't know. Anyway I am now and on facebook it seems lol! Congrats with the stock order that is fab news xxx

  16. Loooove that little felt Christmas tree in your earlier post...what a great way to spend creative time with your little *Egg*. A moment I am sure she will remember each time she sees that colourful Christmas ornament.

    Yipee a giveaway...please put my name down. I thought I was a follower, but wasnt, so we're up to 289 now. Roll on to 300.

    Hope your little one is feeling better soon and that you are able to fight off the bug.

    Jacky xox

  17. Hello my lovely!

    Oooooh I am drooling over your Christmas completely gorgeous, and how fabulous to have them in such a beautiful shop! If I have a ton of money, I think I could buy just about everything up on that site! he he! Gosh, I am sure that you will reach the magic number in no time, and what a fabulous idea of a Christmas giveaway.

    I hope little Egg and the other half are feeling better now. It is so rotton when the lurgy strikes. I am waiting for it...another couple of weeks, right before Christmas is when we all usually succumb to it!

    Thank you so much for your kind words on my post. I think it was a terrible case of the blahs that day! I have taken all the advice on board and decided that this year I will make arrangements for my little family that suit us, and everyone else will have to fit in around us for a change!!!!! I feel a weight lifted already!

    The sun is shining here this morning, still uber cold, but I can cope with that with sunshine! I hope it is where you are!

    Much love

    Vanessa xxx

  18. I just found you by looking through the home made makes on Kirsties homemade home site, I saw the bolster cusion and fell in awe, so glad I found your blog, I shall sit here with a cuppa and some biscuits and pour over all your previous posts!!

  19. Hope your little one is soon better - looking forward to your give-away so hope you reach 300 followers very soon.
    Have a lovely week.

  20. I do love your felty Christmas tree. I'm now follower 295 ... only five more to go. Exciting .............

  21. Wow! How can I possibly follow that! lol.

    Aaaaw thanks for offering the red beads you don't have, lol!

    Congratulations on the Abercorn order, wonderful.

    Now you behave yourself, don't you go courting any more controversy! lol!

  22. Hi Julia, I've made it 300! Sorry to say I don't have a blog for you to visit.
    Hope all the lurgies and bugs have flown far away.
    Carol xx



Thank you for coming by my blog today, I hope you have enjoyed your visit. If you would like to leave me a comment then I would be delighted to hear from you (but quietly reading and leaving is just fine too).

Julia xxx