
Monday 12 March 2012

How to Grow Your Creative Life and the *Winner* of the Giveaway!!!

I've got two fabulous things to share with you today:  My new creativity e-book and the winner of my giveaway draw!!

Last year I decided to write a book.  It was in response to some of the emails that I received from people who had signed up to the Being Creative Project and who were starting to create again for the first time because of the philosophy of the group (you can find out more about the group by clicking the tab at the top of the page).

These emails came from many different people across the globe and they told stories of how years had passed by without them doing what it was they loved; they told of fear taking over and overwhelming the whole process, they told of missed opportunities and of not being good enough.  They told of there not being enough time, of lives being too busy.  As I read all these mails, I knew that I wanted to create a guidebook to show people how they could be more creative, to teach them how to build their creative confidence, to give them the tools to navigate the negative feelings and difficult bits that make us put our things away and give up.

I wanted this book to teach people how to discover their own creative style, how to design their very own creative workspace, how to sell their creations online.  I wanted it to inspire people of all ages and abilities...

And that's how Bloom was born.

Bloom is full of colourful pages and lovely things to download inlcuding worksheets with questions designed to bring clarity and focus.  It also comes with a free Bonus Book which features contributions from four of my favourite creative entrepreneurs:  

Leonie Dawson from Goddess Guidebook

Leonie is a writer, retreat leader, artist and Mama and she lives in tropical paradise in Australia with her family.  From there she creates e-courses, meditations, books and magic which she shares on her colourful and inspirational website which is updated regularly with brilliant blog posts.  Leonie has guest hosted on some top websites including Tiny Buddha and ProBlogger as well as being featured in three of Sark's books including Glad No Matter What.  Leonie is an effervescent goddess who is an absolute glowing light of a soul.

Andrea Schroeder from Creative Magic Academy 

Andrea is an amazing, big hearted, glorious woman who infuses people with courage, magic and glitter.  She shares her creative wisdom from her website Creative Magic Academy, where she devotes her time to encouraging and inspiring others with her deeply nourishing blog posts, her kits and courses.  Learn how to art journal, learn how to map your way to your dream life, drench yourself with possibility!

Emelisa Mudle from Heart Art 

I adore Em, she is a radiant, vibrant woman who just keeps on giving from that big smiling heart of hers.  Based in Australia, Emelisa hosts live workshops and classes internationally, and inspirational online creativity courses.  She also sells wonderfully colourful and uplifting art from her online shop.  Emelisa has a deep rooted passion for helping people overcome their fears to live a truly creative life. 

Louise Gale, artist and life coach.

Louise is amazing.  A British woman living in America, she quit her corporate job to live the fully authentic and creative lifestyle she dreamed of.  As a fully trained Core Energy Life Coach, Louise offers private coaching sessions and online courses alongside kits, meditations and workbooks which are guaranteed to flood your life with positivity and help you live your own authentic and creatively inspired life.

It's a bit of a dream come true for me to finally publish and launch this e-book and it is available for you to purchase for just £4.95 here (or you can click the tab at the top of the page). 

And now...

...onto the subject of my Giveaway Draw which I launched last week.  Remember I asked you to share your favourite children's book with me to enter, giving you a chance to win a signed copy of my print 'Home'.

Well I have a winner for you...

...oh the excitement!  There were so many of you who took part, almost 140!!!

But don't let me hold you in suspense any longer; the winner of my draw is...


If you would like to email me your address details please Helen, i'll get your print out in the post for you!

Thank you so much to everyone who took part, it was really nostalgic reading through all those comments and recalling some of those children's stories that I'd forgotten about.  It seems Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree was a popular one with you, one of my faves too as it happens!  

Anyway, I'd best get cracking and publish this post; there's a sunny garden and a cup of chai waiting for me!

See you again soon, 
Much love
J x x x


  1. Oh my that's me!!! YAY!!! I read the whole blog post, scrolled down and then held my breath and I can't believe it. Thank you so much! I will email you my address etc right away :) xx

  2. Congratulations to Julia on her book and to Helen on winning the giveaway!

    Renee :)

  3. Good luck with your book Julia. I am full of admiration for the techy side you are revealing m'dear! I am hopelessly coming to terms with the changes on Facebook!!! Well done to Helen too x

  4. What a great idea Julia love your book, very inspirational! Have fun in the sun.

  5. Hi Julia! How wonderful Julia and good luck to your new book! Sounds and looks really great and beautiful!
    I was also reading all the post and hold the exitement, if I could be the lucky one... Congratulations to lucky Helen!
    x Teje



Thank you for coming by my blog today, I hope you have enjoyed your visit. If you would like to leave me a comment then I would be delighted to hear from you (but quietly reading and leaving is just fine too).

Julia xxx