
Thursday 27 January 2011

Sea Pennies

The Postie brought me an exciting delivery yesterday...

New Wool!!!

I could hardly wait for my Small Person to go to bed so I could get stuck in to my newest project.  Remember, a few posts ago I had the idea for a summer shawl?  And I was mightily inspired by those ocean colours of aqua, turquoise and deep greeny blues?

Well, I went wool shopping online last week, prompted by your hearty enthusiasm for this new idea.  I thought about all the different colours you see in the ocean, from crystal clear to that lovely royal blue you get on a really bright day.  I had a great time choosing colours, and the wool that I'm using is Rico Creative Cotton.  It's only £1.50 a ball at First 4 Yarns, so it's going to be more of a thrifty make rather than a luxury one - but saying that, this wool is incredibly soft, and the colours are marvellous.

I discovered this wool thanks to Lucy (at Attic 24) - that lady is very good at sniffing out quality yarn it has to be said, so thanks to Lucy for sharing the link.

Can you see those little circles peeping out from underneath the wool?  The Summer Shawl has started in earnest, and a handful of tiny Sea Pennies have been crocheted and joined.  

I'm going beside myself just looking at it, itching to get busy with it again this evening when if all goes to plan I can grab a couple of hours hooky time with no interruptions!

As the shawl grows, the edges will become less straight - the Pennies will vary in size and the look I've got in mind is one with a wavy edge, that can be edged in aqua and white, reminiscent of foam tipped waves...can you see where I'm coming from? Does that make sense??!

It's actually been quite a creative week here in my little house, sketching, starting a new painting, writing the first E-Letter of 2011 and creating prints which are off to lovely new homes...

You may be wondering what happened to my decluttering-and-trying-to-live-in-a-tider-house malarky.

It's still going on, in between the creativity.  Didn't I just fill two bin liners full of old unworn clothes for the charity shop?  Yes I did, oh the relief to clear that stuff out!
The other thing I'm doing is putting all my files into this:

Dropbox is an online back up system for files and photographs that we normally just keep on our computers or laptops.  If you are anything like me, you will have learnt the hard way and lost tremendously special pictures and documents when your laptop crashed and broke.
Dropbox is good - you can access your documents, photoshare with friends etc from anywhere in the world. It's safe and secure and reliable, and you will heave a veritable sigh of relief if your computer ever expires with all your precious stuff on it, because you will have got a back-up on Dropbox to retrieve it all!!  That calls for a double WoOt!  

Go get yourself a Dropbox. It's free.

And on that note, I'm off - my daughter is having her booster injection shortly - you may hear the screams if you live within the vicinity of South Yorkshire...

Have a sunny, happy weekend, thanks for visiting me!
Love Julia x x x


  1. This is going to be a beautiful scarf, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product (as are you, I imagine!).

    Have a lovely day and may you find lots of time to be creative!

  2. Love the look of that wool, I might have to make some purchases myself!

    The scarf looks lovely, very pretty indeed. I havent moved on from granny squares yet, but one day...!

    I enjoyed your last post too, your pictures are wonderful, and I LOVE Buxton (I live very close, so can appreciate the view quite often)!

    Take care


  3. This is just soooooo exciting,being kept up to date with your hooky adventure,sooo far soooo perfectly good! Happy hooking,Julie.x

  4. Hi Julia, I just found your blog through Tangled Happy (she has some great resources!) love your arm warmers and bunting in particular - I've saved both patterns to Evernote for later!

    I'm following your blog now and look forward to reading your posts and seeing your lovely projects!

  5. Oh Julia those colours are so gorgeous, I immediately thought Mediterranean!!!
    Your shawl is going to be so beautiful, I'm away back to look at those colours again!!! :)
    Vivienne x

  6. Oh Julia that yarn was a bargain might have to check out that shop. The shawl is off to a fine start.
    Jo x

  7. Wow that is going to be gorgeous! Love the colours you have chosen. x

  8. Those are some of my most favourite colours - just lovely.

  9. Isn't it strange... I had completely forgotten that you didn't live on the coast! I read your profile first time I visited, but haven't read it since, and I suppose I have got so used to seeing your lovely seasidey prints and so on, it was a shock to hear SOUTH YORKSHIRE mentioned. I thought, 'that's not near the sea!' and read the profile and then, of course, remembered. See how you had managed to convince me you were a seasidey girl!
    Love the shawl, can see the wavy edge reminiscent of white spumed waves, perfect. The colours are great, and go so well together.

  10. What beautiful coloured yarn Julia, how did you get on with it, I found when I crocheted with it it split something cronic, but was not as bad when knitted, no idea why that would be...

  11. Hi Julia
    What lovely colours I can see the finished shawl already x I imagine it will be finished in time for April! Hope little one gets on ok this afternoon ~ some of mummy's brownies may be needed =] (or is that just me thinking that). Lovely to see you have had such a creative week I'm nearly there just a few more things to catch up on and then I will have some time to craft (there is light at the end of the tunnel ~ flu is a terrible thing). Take Care
    Love Em x

  12. The scarf is so lovely Julia and of course I love the sea colours. Well done on such a productive week x

  13. Dear Julia, I'm so happy you decided to make that summer shawlet! Those colours are so so beautiful - just like the sea or the sky!
    I can see how it's going to be - exiting to see if I see the same like you! That yarn has very good price, I paid the same for acrylic here.
    I love your paintings as always!
    We made today lemonpie and now I saw again your lemon coocies - thank you for a recipe!
    Have a enjoyable time with your dream blues! Teje

  14. O the longing for summer and the beach...those colours just took me straight there! Thanks for such a bright post....roll on the better weather, January has just been so...grey!!

  15. Beautiful colours, like the sea glass I brought home from Lindisfarne....

    Hope your little one was ok - I didnt hear any yelling in my patch...


  16. The idea and the colours for your shawl are beautiful. Looking forward to seeing updates as you progress and of course the "Ta dah" moment. :)
    Anne xx

  17. Hi Julia, Oh My Gosh, those yarn colours! Beautiful! and the sea pennies, just delightful. Any chance of a tutorial so we can create our own? Vicky x

  18. Hello Julia,

    Love, love, love the colours you have chosen for your shawl. It is looking so good already, I'm sure the finished article will all have us drooling! I love the description you used for your edging, sounds gorgeous!

    Wishing you a beautiful friday and weekend!

    Much love Vanessa xxxxxxxxxx

  19. Your shawl makes perfectly beautiful the idea of a wavey frilly edge like the wavelets coming on to the shore.

  20. Julia, your shawl is going to be beautiful and I can't wait to see it finished. The colours you have chosen are just fabulous. I want one!

  21. this is going to be fantastic - I know how much you like the sea - you can wear it when you sit outside camping in the summer!

  22. The colours are amazing, it'll be a beautiful shawl! And thanks for the tip about dropbox, the more photos I take and upload, the more nervous I get at the thought of the computer crashing1

  23. These are my absolute favorite colors! How beautiful... I can't wait to see it when it's done. You have a beautiful blog, and you are so talented. I'm amazed every time I visit.

  24. The scarf is looking beautiful! I can see the wavy edge with the foam in my mind's eye and it's stunning! I'm imagining an open lacy edge to imitate the foam.
    lol...mind you I had imagined open circles rather than closed ones, so what you'll do will probably be very different!

  25. Can't wait to see your finished project. Love, love, love the colors. Its does remind me of sea glass. Beautiful!

  26. love the new crochet julia, colours are lovely....thanks for the dropbox tip...will investigate x

  27. Well this looks like a lovely shawl am really looking forward to the end product. You have been busy!!
    have a lovely weeekend. I downloaded Evernote the other week and now have so many lists don't know where to start.

  28. No wonder you are so excited to work on those colours - they are so seafoamish... Beautiful.

    Very fresh, and inspiring
    In fact, Im off to get my paint brushes out..


  29. Well, I'm supossed to be off to Sainsbury to stock the larder (again) but instead I may just spend some time yarn hunting cos that looks way more fun! Love the colours you chose for your shawl.

  30. What a beautiful colors, have a nice day from Izmir:))



Thank you for coming by my blog today, I hope you have enjoyed your visit. If you would like to leave me a comment then I would be delighted to hear from you (but quietly reading and leaving is just fine too).

Julia xxx