
Tuesday 12 October 2010

Gently Bobbing Along


I hope you are all well and will forgive my little absence - I meant to write last week, I really did, and then, you know how Life Happens and sneaks up on you, gets in the way of the nice normal stuff...

That's kind of what happened here :)

Anyway, in between the hectic happenings and early nights (necessary from all the hectic happenings), we have been doing some rather gentle nice things here and there...

There have been some genuinely lovely Homey Moments these last couple of weeks, those moments where you suddenly feel very cosy in your little abode and so very glad to be surrounded with your own bits and bobs, books and pictures, jugs of golden autumn flowers, and Stuff.
Ive noticed this feeling usually starts to happen at this time of year, like a Nestling in preparation for the colder months - I feel very happy pottering about in the house, baking things and just appreciating my little domain and it's little lived in corners; switching on my white fairy lights whilst cooking tea, lighting candle lanterns early evening...little things like that :)

We have been on slow jaunts, enjoying the ruby amber beauty of these warm autumn days...something so inspiring about those bright red leaves against a cerulean blue sky and the comforting feel of smooth, shiny conkers clustered in your pocket.

Did I mention we had been baking? After what seems like weeks of not doing any, Nigella seems to have worked her magic on us here and we are happily road testing all manner of delicious treats from her new book which I treated myself to whilst in Wales over the weekend (told you it had been hectic). Yesterday we made her Choc Chip Cookies:

There aren't many left :)

On the art front, I have managed to find snippets of time to create..

...I'm currently finishing hand illustrating some Christmas cards - here's a wee peek into my sketchbook as I played about with some seasonal images...

I'll be launching the first peek of these cards on my Newsletter - and I will also be offering one as part of a giveaway Im hosting on my Facebook Page ~ you are most welcome to sign up to either by clicking the links.

Thank you for bobbing by today - hopefully life will settle itself down a bit now and things can resume their usual happy pace which means more time for Blog Visiting and the like.
Sending you love, see you again soon.

Julia x x x


  1. Lovely fat robins, really make you smile.
    Glad to know someone else has fairy lights lit all year round too. I have them in various rooms and outside for Christmas, there is something so homely and cosy about a room with small lights lit I find.
    And if you have eaten the cookies, no point asking you to save one for me.

  2. Oooh I hear you on the cosying in at home! I feel exactly the same way. Once we have hired a massive skip and cleared out all our junk then maybe I'll actually see the corners of my home ;-) Love the robins and santas. x

  3. Such a lovely cosy post - I think I need to come over to your place and curl up for a while - please.

    We've made the lemon polenta cake and are going to road test roasted gnocchi tonight.

    Happy Autumn,

    Nina xxx

  4. Lovely pictures and lovely post as always Julia! Gosh, it sounds like you have been having a lovely time of late! I know what you mean about this time of year being a bit special. I love being able to light the candles now and have the fairy lights on. It all just screams COSY and I think we all love a bit of cosy!!!!!!

    The Robin and Father Christmas look so cheery and rosy!....Gorgeous!

    Love Vanessa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Beautful post Juila....hope you can find some time in your very busy life to type up how to sew the granny squares together. I've done 9 of them and a back for a cushion from your a wee bit stuck with the bobbly bit in the middle so I adapted it but edge each square like you showed us how too
    Heather xxxx

  6. What a lovely celebration of autumnal delights xox I love all your gorgeous photo's and as for your beautiful illustrations they can only make one smile xox

  7. It must be chocolate chip cookie season as I made some last night too! Although I didnt employ a chef like you did! The cards are coming on a treat! xxx

  8. love the robins - I'm enjoying Nigella - she makes it look so easy!!

  9. A gorgeous post Julia. I have the same feeling of contentment at just being at home pottering. Things have calmed down for me and catching up and blogging is a pleasure again. I love Nigella, she is so infectious. No wonder those little cup cakes did't last long ;o)

    Bye for now
    Carolyn xo

  10. Tis certainly a very 'homey' time of year.

    More peeks into your sketchbook please, just love them!! :-)


  11. Nigella definitely makes you to cook, that's for sure!!
    Love the little fat robins, cute. :)
    Vivienne x

  12. I just love your paintings and drawings!!
    And I have a thing for robins (our youngest daughter is called Fay Robin, so may be that is due to that thing ...) and these robins, wow, so sweet!

  13. Dear Julia,
    i came across your blog while hopping thru the beautiful blogyland .
    i simply loved your blog ,your sketches and paintings are lovely and sea side art is very cute , thankx for sharing the popcorn granny square pattern , i am surely going to try them out .
    i am glad to become afollower of your blog .
    please do visit me some times .

  14. Oh robins every time for me please Julia. They are very special to Wipso ...and me!! Look forward to seeing your cards.

  15. I love finding British blogs to read and yours is a cracker!

    Hope you're having a good evening.


  16. Hello,it all sounds very cosy!!
    Take care

  17. That looks like a very well fed robin! x

  18. Robins are so evocative of this time of year I love to see them bobbing about the garden.
    Beautiful crocheted pieces too, I am quite knew to crochet but it is seriously addictive and is creeping all over my house!

  19. I forgot to say....

    I spotted your Nigella book in one of your photos.

    I have that book too....oh, and all her others!! I LOVE Nigella!

    How have you got on with Kitchen so far?




Thank you for coming by my blog today, I hope you have enjoyed your visit. If you would like to leave me a comment then I would be delighted to hear from you (but quietly reading and leaving is just fine too).

Julia xxx